Die Heilsarmee / The Salvation Army Köln / Cologne

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Day 5: Just wanna dance the night away...

Hello all, it’s Adam!
As you can see, it’s Sunday! This morning we are singing at the rehabilitation centre that me, Andy, Luke and Craig are staying at.

Hallo ihr alle, es ist Adam!
Wie Ihr sehen könnt, es ist Sonntag! Heute morgen singen wir im EWH wo Ich, Andy, Luke und Craig schlafen.

The service was all in German and followed the normal song after song routine which was interesting because most of the songs were in German! We sang two songs; I’m in his hands and what a mighty god we serve. The seating arrangement of the service was set in a café style in the hostels dining area. Bram gave a thought provoking, heart warming testimony about him becoming a new father and what it meant to him.

Der Gottesdienst war ganz in Deutsch und dann gefolgt von der normalen Liederroutine, was komisch war weil die meisten Lieder in Deutschland. Wir haben zwei Lieder gesungen; Ich bin in seiner Hand und welch einem mächtigen Gott wir dienen. Die Sitze waren angeordnet wie in einem Café in einer Jugendherberge. Bram gab ein zum Nachdenken anregendes und Herz erwärmendes Zeugnis zum Thema das er gerade Vater wird.

After the service we all had lunch (dinner) with the youth of the army in Köln which was an invigorating experience for me because my Sunday lunch usually consists of pizza hut or a roast dinner whereas the food we had was tomato soup, cauliflower cheese and battered pork.
After lunch we went all went into town with the youth to buy England flags and get our face painted with the England flag on one cheek and the Salvation Army shield on the other!

Nach dem Gottesdienst hatten wir Abendessen mit der Jugend der Kölner Heilsarmee, was eine belebende Erfahrung war da Ich zuhause normalerweise einfach zu Pizza Hut gehe oder Braten. Das Essen hier aber bestand aus Tomatensuppe, Blumenkohl, Käse und Schnitzel. Nach dem Essen gingen wir alle zusammen in die Stadt um Englandfahnen zu kaufen und auf eine Wange die Englandfahne und auf die andere Wange die Heilsarmeefahne gemalt zu bekommen.

We came back to the hall and started watching the England match; we were all in our England shirts and wearing our flags! Derrick on the other hand, had an unknown countries flag on his cheek and a reasonable sized flag to match! (The country was South Africa!)

Wir gingen zum Korpssaal um das England Spiel anzuschauen; we hatten alle unsere England T-Shirts an und unsere Fahnen in der Hand! Derrick aber, hatte eine unbekannte Länderfahne auf seine Wange gemalt und eine nicht zu kleine passende Flagge in der Hand. (Das Land war Südafrika!)

To our dismay, we watched the uneventful first half in the hall but, we had drawn the short straw and we had to go to the church service. We did a drama and a couple of songs again, and got the whole congregation doing Peter Crouch dances (see pic) which was loads of fun...!

Zu unserer Bestürzung, schauten wir die erste eher unereignisreiche Hälfte im Korpssaal, aber dann, da wir einen kurzen Strohhalm gezogen hatten, mussten wir zum Gottesdienst. Wir gaben ein kleines Stück zum Besten und sangen ein paar Lieder, wir haben es geschafft das die ganze Gemeinde den Peter Crouch tanz getanzt hat (siehe Foto) was sehr viel Spaß gemacht hat!

After the service had finished we all went and watched the second half recorded at the men’s house.

Nach dem Gottesdienst vorbei war liefen wir zurück und schauten die zweite Hälfte des Spiels die wir aufgenommen hatten.

The meeting was great and we all receivd an unexcpected blessing for attending. It was really hard to miss the game live, but in the end it all worked out.

Der Gottesdienst war toll, wir alle bekamen unerwarteten Segen dafür das wir hingegangen sind. Es ist uns schwer gefallen das Spiel nicht live sehen zu können aber am Ende hat alles gut funktioniert.

If I had to put the day into three words, it would be EK-WA-DOOR, (inside joke).

Wenn Ich den Tag in drei Worten zusammenfassen müsste würde Ich sagen EK-WA-DOOR (das ist ein Witz bei uns)

Blessings to all.

Segen an alle.


Day 4: Yellow star and red and blue...

Hey guys, its Luke,

Hallo liebe Leute, hier ist Luke,

Today we again split into two groups after having another lie-in and arriving 30 mins later than planned!

Heute haben wir uns wieder in zwei Gruppen geteilt, nach einem verspäteten Start.

Brams group that included me, Bram, David and Andy went off to find another park while the other group went to the tried and tested park down the road. On finding a new park with a football pitch surrounded by a cage we spent the next 3 hours talking and playing football with about 30 kids.

Bram´s Gruppe, das waren Ich, Bram, David und Andy sind losgezogen um einen neuen Park zu finden während die andere Gruppe in den Park gingen den wir schon vorher getestet hatten. Wir fanden einen anderen Park der sogar einen Fußballplatz mit Umzäunung hatte wo wir dann die nächsten 3 Stunden mit 30 Kindern Fußball spielten.

The WC match that day was Germany vs Sweden which was been shown at the army, most of the corp turned up and were enthusiastic when Germany scored, it was an interesting game that all the lads enjoyed…or not. however we decided to get into the spirit and got our faces painted like the Salvation Army flag! (We had a few funny looks on our way into town!)

Das Spiel an diesem Tag war Deutschland gegen Schweden, das auch im Korps gezeigt wurde, der meiste Teil des Korps kam und war sehr aufgeregt als Deutschland die Tore schoß. Es war ein interessantes Spiel das alle Jungs genossen... oder auch nicht. Aber wie auch immer, wir entschlossen uns richtig in Stimmung zu kommen und bemalten uns die Gesichter wie die Heilsarmeefahne! (und bekamen ein paar lustige Blicke zugeworfen auf unserem Weg in die Stadt)

In the evening we went for a group meal to Pizza Hut with the youth from the corps, trying to decipher the German menu was interesting (if anybody wants to see one talk to Ben Allchin!).

Am Abend besuchten wir Pizza Hut zusammen mit den Jugendlichen vom Korps, der Versuch die Menükarte zu entziffern war interessant (wenn ihr mal eine bewundern wollt fragt Ben Allchin!)

See you all in a week,

Bis nächste Woche,


Day 3: Flyers and Football...

Today we got a late start after a much deserved ly-in. After lunch we split up into to two teams. Four of us went down town to pass out war cry magazines (pic right) and the other 4 went to a neighborhood park to play football with some youth.

Heute haben wir später angefangen nach unserem sehr verdienten Schlaf. Nach dem Mittagessen haben wir uns in zwei Teams aufgeteilt. Vier von uns sind in die Stadt gegangen und haben Kriegsrufe verteilt (rechtes Bild) und die anderen vier sind in einen nahen Park gegangen und haben dort mit Nachbarschaftskindern Fußball gespielt.

My team went downtown. As soon as we got there we were in the middle of World Cup fever. There was team representation everywhere. People from all different countries, dressed in their countries colours and singing their countries songs where everywhere. It was quite a site to be seen. Tonight’s game is in Cologne, France vs. Togo, so there are an extra number of French and Togo fans in the street.

Ich war in dem Team das in die Stadt gegangen ist. Sobald wir dort ankamen waren wir schon mitten im WM Fieber. Überall gab es anhänger der einzelnen Teams. Leute von vielen verschiedenen Ländern, in den Farben ihrer Mannschaft angezogen, sangen ihre Nationalhymnen. Es war ein beindruckendes Spektakel. Das Spiel heute ist in Köln, Frankreich gegen Togo, also gab es besonders viele Frankreich-, und Togofans in den Straßen.

After a while downtown we went back for another Ham, Cheese and, new to the menu, tongue sandwiches, dinner at the corps. This was tried by many.

Nach einer Weile in der Stadt gingen wir zurück zum Korps um Abendbrot zu essen das aus Schinken, Käse und, neu im Menü, Zungenwurst Sandwichen bestand. Viele haben letzteres auch probiert.

After another quick trip back downtown to pass out fliers before the game we watched the game on the large screen at the corps with many of the youth from the corps. Following the game we went for a late walk around the town seeing many of the sites as well as the happy French fans after winning the game.

Nach einem kurzen Abstecher zurück in die Stadt um Kriegsrufe vor dem Spiel zu verteilen, schauten wir die Partie auf einer großen Leinwand mit vielen Jugendlichen aus dem Korps. Nach dem Spiel machten wir einen Spaziergang durch die Stadt, bei dem wir einige Sehnswürdigkeiten und viele glückliche Frankreichfans, da Frankreich ja das Spiel gewonnen hatte.

That’s all for today.

Das ist alles für Heute.


Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for... THE UK TEAM!!!

Well we have arrived in Cologne. The coach along with all three teams rolled into Cologne at 8:30AM this morning. After a brief detour around the city (we were lost) we pulled into the Eric Wickberg Men's Rehabilitation Centre.

So, nun sind wir in Köln angekommen. Der Bus mit allen drei Teams fuhr 8.30 am morgen ein. Nach einem kurzen Rundgang durch die Stadt (wir haben uns verlaufen) kamen wir beim Erik-Wickberg-Haus an.

We were greeted by the commanding officer as well as a traditional German breakfast of bread, meat, cheeses, and various other things.
At about 10:30AM the Hamburg team left us while the rest of us hit the town to check out the surrounding area.

Wir wurden nicht nur vom leitenden Offizier begrüßt sondern auch von einem traditionellen deutschen Frühstück mit Brot, Wurst, Käse und verschiedene andere Sachen. Dann, ungefähr um 10.30, verließ uns das Hamburg team während der Rest von uns in die Stadt gingen um unsere Umgebung zu erkunden.

We returned to the centre for lunch and some leisure time before heading off to National Headquarters.

Wir kehrten zum EWH zurück um Mittag zu essen und ein bisschen freie Zeit zu haben bevor wir zum NHQ fuhren.

Lacking both showers and sleep we were greeted at National Headquarters by our hosts. Some of us were able to settle in while others where able to freshen up. NHQ is situated right near the heart of Cologne. In the afternoon, our host 'Clause' took some of us for a walk downtown so that we could begin to get to know the area. The area is booming with people and will definitely give us a large mission field which to work from. We also had a short meeting about the our time their, where we left very encouraged and excited about the days ahead.

Mit einem Defiziet an Sauberkeit und Schlaf wurden wir im NHQ von unseren Gastgebern begrüßt. Einige von uns richteten sich ein während andere duschten. Das NHQ liegt gleich in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums in Köln. Nachmittags nahm uns unser Gastgeber Klaus einige von uns mit in die Stadt damit wir die Gegend besser kennenlernen konnten. Diese Gegend ist voll mit Menschen und wird uns ein gutes Missionsfeld bieten. Wir hatten dann auch ein Treffen über unsere Zeit hier, aus dem wir ermutigt und aufgeregt, über die nächsten paar Tage, kamen.

After dinner which was very similar to breakfast :), we attended a farewell meeting for all of the officers that were changing appointments. The meeting was in all German and non of us understood a thing. We were however able to sing along to familiar songs and choruses in German which was fun for most, beyond that it was very hard to pay attention and awake for that matter, with our lack of sleep the night before.

Nach dem Abendessen, welches dem Frühstück sehr ähnlich war, gingen wir zu einem Verabschiedungstreffen für alle Offiziere die Versetzt werden. Das Treffen war komplett in Deutsch und keiner von uns verstand ein Wort. Wir konnten aber versuchen die bekannten Lieder in Deutsch mitsingen was lustig war. Aber ansonsten war es sehr schwer aufmerksam und vor allem wach zu bleiben das wir ja die Nacht zuvor zu wenig geschlafen hatten.

After the meeting, the team from Gelsenkirchen were on the way, leaving our team to be on their own. Needless to say, we are all exhausted and ready for a good night sleep.

Nach dem Treffen, verließ uns das Team für Gelsenkirchen, und unser Team war nun auf sich gestellt. Unnötig zu sagen das wir müde waren und bereit für eine Nacht guten Schlafes.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. They are very much felt and so greatly appreciated. We will post again soon.

Danke für eure Gebete und Gedanken. Wir spüren sie und freuen uns darüber. Wir werden bald hier noch mehr schreiben.

~ Bram

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Korean Mission Team had the first Sunday in Germany June 11th / 한국선교팀, 독일에서의 첫 주일 6월 11일

Now it have already passed 5 days since the Korean Mission team came to Cologne Corp. On 11th June in the morning, we gave a service in the Men's house. Although we couldn't understand German, our heart toward the Lord was never different from people who was in the Men's House, because God uses us righteously regardless of our skin colors, languages and cultures.

한국선교팀이 쾰른 영문에 온지도 어느새 5일이 지났습니다. 6월 11일, 우리는 남성관에서 아침 예배를 드리며 아침을 맞이하게 되었습니다. 독일어를 알아 들을 수 없는 우리는, 비록 그 말을 제대로 알아 들을 수는 없었지만, 주님을 향한 마음은 남성관에 계셨던 사람들과 전혀 다르지 않았습니다. 주님이 우리를 쓰실땐, 우리의 피부색, 언어, 문화에 관계 없이 귀중하게 쓰시기 때문입니다.

We gave a service in the evening in the Cologne Corp, and the service was a glorious one because there were the Salvation Army officer confirmation and Junior Soldier confirmation! We look forward them to be used as an earnest worker of the Lord!

저녁에는 모두가 같이 쾰른 영문에서 예배를 드렸습니다. 그 날의 예배는 정말 영광스런 날이었습니다! 왜냐하면 오늘은 영문에서 부사관 임명식과 어린이 병사 입대식을 갖게 되었습니다. 그들이 분명 하나님의 귀한 일꾼으로 쓰여질 것을 기대합니다!

For the first time, we showed drama that we prepared in Korea. It is titled "the Tree", which shows that God loves a human and allows her everything in the world, but she becomes trapped by satan and puts a distance to God, and then she comes back to God. During the drama, everything the we showed in the chapel was transmitted to the audience in the chapel, and it was the moment that a brand-new communicating way between the actors and the audiences took place even though they couldn't talk to each other very well. Through this drama, we hope that everyone has realization and grows their faith to God.

우리가 한국에서 준비해 왔던 드라마를 처음으로 교회 사람들에게 보였습니다. 'Tree'라는 제목의 이 드라마는 대사 없이 몸짓과 음악만으로 진행되는 드라마인데, 하나님이 인간을 사랑하고 그에게 모든것을 허락 하셨으나, 인간은 사탄의 꾀임에 빠져 하나님과 멀어진 삶을 살게 되었다가 다시 하나님께 돌아온다는 내용입니다. 우리가 전하고 싶었던 드라마에서 보여졌던 주님의 사랑은 관객들에게 완벽하게 전해졌으며, 서로의 말이 통하지 않는 연기자와 관객간에 새로운 다리가 놓아지는 순간이었습니다. 우리의 이 드라마를 통해서 모든 사람들이 깨달음을 얻고 믿음의 성장이 이루어 지기를 바랍니다.

There is only one Sunday in a week, and going to church on Sunday does not have to finish only as weekly routine. We must especially and preciously give services because it is the only time that we get closer to the Lord, and that we make only him glorious.

일주일에 한번밖에 없는 주일, 그리고 그 주일날에 교회를 나오는 일은 단순히 습관적인 일로 끝나서는 안됩니다. 주님 앞에 나오는 그 시간만은 정말 특별하게 지내야 하는 시간입니다. 우리의 예배를 통해 주님 홀로 영광받도록 해야 하는 귀중한 시간이기 때문입니다.

We are all brothers and sisters, though having different languages and skin colors.
We hope the day to come, which every race has redemption and and comes back to God.

말이 달라도 피부색이 달라도 우리 모두는 형제자매 입니다.
이 세상 모든 민족이 구원을 얻고 하나님께 돌아오는 그 날이 꼭 이뤄지기를 간절히 소망합니다.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Wash Other's Feet, just as Jesus Did / 발을 씻기는 자가 되어...

Before Jesus Christ was crucified, he called his followers to wash their feet. In the period when Jesus lived there was many people who didn't wear shoes and have dirty feet, so it was a great deed of service that one washed other's feet, and it was such action that person who was low in social place did. How could, the greatest, the son of God, do such a thing?

예수님께서는 십자가에 못박혀 죽으시기 전, 제자들을 불러서 그들의 발을 씻기셨습니다. 예수님이 살았던 그 시대에는 신발을 신고 다니지 않는 사람이 많았기 때문에 언제나 발이 깨끗하지 못했기 때문에, 그 당시에 발을 씻긴다는 것은 큰 섬김의 표시였습니다. 또한 그렇게 발을 씻기는 행위는 매우 낮은 사람이 행하던 행위였습니다. 하나님의 아들이신 예수님이, 그 위대하신 예수님이 어떻게 자신의 제자들의 발을 씻기는 행동을 할 수 있었을까요?

It was the attitude of serving and being humble that Jesus Christ had shown us. Jesus wasn't born specially; he came to the world as a human look in a small horse barn, and he wasn't selfish or boastful, but always modest.

그것은 다름아닌 예수님이 보여주셨던 겸손과 섬김의 자세였습니다. 예수님은 특별하게 태어나지 않으셨습니다. 예루살렘 외각의 조그만 마굿간에서 인간의 모습으로 세상에 오셨던 분이셨습니다. 그는 자만치 않으셨으며 언제나 겸손한 자세로 세상을 살아왔습니다.

The Salvation Army Cologne Corp follows his attitude, so provie the poor and weak foods, drinks and place to have recess. We the Korean Mission team also gave them some meals and have a good time with them.

쾰른 영문은 예수님의 그러한 섬김의 자세를 본받아, 불우이웃들에게 차와 식사를 대접하고 그들에게 휴식을 취할 수 있는 공간을 제공 해주었습니다. 한국선교팀 역시 사람들에게 식사를 나누어주고 그들과 함께 시간을 보냈습니다.

It is not only the task of churches that people give service on Sunday and do nothing else. Just as Jesus Christ stay a night in the houses where people who was persecuted and disregarded in the society lived, the churches must accept and embrace those who are low in the society, because they need the Lord's care.

교회가 해야 하는 것은 그저 일요일에 예배만 드리고 끝내는 일이 아닐 것입니다. 예수님이 사회에서 핍박받고 멸시받는 사람들의 집에서 하룻밤을 묵었듯이, 교회는 그러한 낮은 위치에 있는 사람들을 수용하고 품어주어야 합니다. 그러한 사람들에게는 주님의 보살핌이 꼭 필요하기 때문입니다.

One of the Ten Commandment says "Love thy neighbors", and it is not really difficult to do.
Loving neighbors can just begin from providing meals once.

십계명에 있는 계명중 하나인 "네 이웃을 사랑하라"는 행하기 힘든 것이 아닙니다.
이들에게 식사를 한번 대접 해주는 것, 이웃 사랑은 그곳에서 부터 시작됩니다.

Showtime to the World for the Lord! June 16th / 세상으로 주를 보이다! 6월 14일

On 14th June, we the Korean Mission team showed our singing praise song and playing drama to people in the Cologne Dom. The teamates seriously worried whether we could make it success, for it was extremely nerverous to display ourselves among many people. However, we prayed to God for everything we prepared and strongly believed that the Lord will definitely be with us while spreading Gospel.

6월 14일, 우리 한국선교팀은 쾰른 대성당 광장에서 드라마와 찬양을 사람들에게 보여주었습니다. 많은 사람들이 보는 가운데서 그러한 것들을 보여준다는 것은 매우 긴장되는 일이었기 때문에 팀원들은 모두 잘 해낼 수 있을까를 크게 걱정 했습니다. 하지만 저희는 모든것을 시작하기 앞서 기도로 모든 것을 준비했고 우리가 열심히 주님의 말씀을 선포하는 가운데 주님께서 분명히 함께 하실것을 굳게 믿었습니다.

It was the Showtime finally! We were all nerverous but devoted ourself to the drama. The tension that we had before faded out and our hearts were full of only confidence and passion, and after finishing the drama without any mistake, many people put much interest in our activity. After several times of playing drama and singing, there was no shyness in our heard, but only fulfillment of this event and hope to do this once more with better practice.

드디어 시작된 드라마! 우리 모두는 긴장하면서도 우리의 연기에 충실했습니다. 처음에 가지고 있었던 걱정은 어느새 사라지고 우리 마음속에는 자신감과 열정이 충만해 졌습니다. 무사히 드라마를 끝마친 후에 우리들은 많은 사람들의 관심을 받게 되었습니다. 두번의 드라마와 몇번의 찬양을 드린 후, 저희들 마음속엔 부끄러움 같은것은 전혀 없었고, 다만 이번 일을 너무나 수월하게 해냈다는 것과 오히려 더 열심히 준비해서 한번 더 했으면 하는 바램마저 가지게 되었습니다.

Sometimes people think that to spread Gospel somehow makes themselves shy, but they will realize that such shyness or fear disappear when they really do, because the Lord gives more power to those who make his love spread.

때로는 하나님의 말씀을 선포하는 것은 부끄럽게 느껴질 수도 있는 일로 생각됩니다. 하지만 막상 그 일을 해보면 두려움이 사라지는 것을 알 수 있을 것입니다. 바로 하나님께서 주님의 사랑을 전파하는 그들을 위해 힘을 더하시기 때문입니다.

If we do everything in God, he will give us power, use us, and lead us in the righteousness.

모든 일을 주님 안에서 행하면, 주님은 우리에게 힘을 주시고 우리를 귀하게 쓰시고
옳은 길로 인도하실 것이라 믿습니다.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

We Introduce the Korean Mission Teamates! / 한국선교팀원들을 소개합니다!!

Ji-Sang Lee (right in the picture above)
Age : 19
Corp : The Salvation Army New York Korean Corp
Hobby : listening musics, playing games and sports

"I want the Salvation Army in Cologne and Germany to have spiritual growth, just as it used to be."

Shin-Il Suh (left in the picture above)
Age : 24
Corp : The Salvation Army Un-Yak Corp
Hobby : palying drums, dancing

"Please the Lord, give the passion toward you to the Europe continent..."

Ja-Myung Koo
Age : 18
Corp : The Salvation Army Seoul Che-Il Corp
Hobby : writing, drawing pictures, taking photographs

"I hope myself to be the way of blessing which God's love can be spread through."

Yeo-Rang Jo
Age : 24
Corp : The Salvation Army Kimcheon Corp
Hobby : playing piano

"Through this opportunity, I want to get closer to the Lord!"

Soon-Woo Park (left in the picture above)
Age : 23
Corp : The Salvation Army Bundang Corp
Hobby : meditation

"We all brothers and sisters...wish to know God..."

Ki-Wook Kim (right in the picture above)
Age : 27
Corp : The Salvation Army Seoul Che-Il Corp
Hobby : listening musics, making lyrics

"I wish to take one step closer to the Lord!"

Captain Kim (Kyu-Han Kim) - The Leader of the Korean Mission Team
Age : 39
Corp : The Salvation Army Sae Seongnam Corp (commanding officer)
Hobby : playing soccer, planning events

"Through this mission in Germany, I got brand-new vision and passion towards missionary activity.
I truly hope myself to be used for the Lord!"

The Korean Mission team hits the streets to spread the Gospel / 한국선교팀의 길거리 선교

주님의 말씀이 다른 국가보다 먼저 선포되었던 이 유럽땅에는 많은 성당과 교회가 있습니다만, 그럼에도 불구하고 주님의 말씀은 점점 줄어가고 있는 것이 현실입니다. 이 쾰른에는 원래 12개의 구세군 영문이 있었는데 지금은 남성관과 본영밖에 남지 않았다고 합니다.

Europe has a very long religious history with thousands of churchs and cathedrals, but in recent decades there has been a sharp decline in all religions here. Here in Köln there used to be twelves Salvation Army churchs but now there are only the men's house and the Köln Corp.

그리고 그러한 유럽땅에 성령님의 부흥이 일어나기를 소망하며, 우리 한국선교팀이 이 독일땅에 와서 선교를 하게 되었습니다.

Therefore we wished that the power of the Holy Spirit revive the continent of Europe, and that is one of the reasons why we came to Germany and spread God's love and words.

쾰른에 오기 전에 쾰른의 기후를 조사했는데, 평균기온이 비교적 낮은 지역임을 알았습니다. 덕분에 날씨에 대해서는 부담없이 길거리 선교를 할 수 있을거라고 생각했습니다만, 그 예상은 빗나가 버렸습니다. 상당히 무더운 날씨가 계속되는 가운데 먼 거리를 오가며 사람들에게 구세군을 알리는 전단지를 나누어 주며 아이들에게 풍선을 나눠주고 비누방울을 뿌리며 평화스러운 분위기를 만들어 나갔습니다. 그러한 모습에 많은 사람들이 반가워하며 응했고, 길거리 선교는 비교적 좋은 모습으로 교회 바깥에 있는 사람들에게 영향력을 끼쳤습니다.

Before we came to Köln we did a little research on the cities weather, we found out that the average temperature is relatively lower than other regions. We thought that because of the cool temperature we would have an easy time on the streets, but, boy were we wrong. The hot and humid temperature made for walking the streets everyday a difficult task, but we found that handing out the War Cry's, making balloon animals and bubbles for the children a very fun and joyous assignment. We found that people were very friendly and responded very well to us. We hope and believe that our influence will help the growth of Christianity not only in the Köln Corp but also in the city of Köln.

무더운 날씨에 긴 거리를 오고가며 선교활동을 하는 것은 체력적으로 매우 힘든 일이었지만, 우리를 통해서 사람들이 교회를 알고 주님을 알게 된다는 일은 주님께 크게 영광돌릴 수 있는 일이라고 생각합니다. 한국에서의 찬양 중에서는 '축복의 통로'라는 제목을 가진 찬양이 있는데, 당신은 축복의 통로이며 당신을 통해 세상이 주께 돌아오고 주께 예배드린다는 내용의 찬양입니다. 힘든 선교활동임에도 불구하고, 그 가사의 의미가 마음 깊이 다가오면서 한국선교팀이 주 안에서 쓰임받을 수 있다는 사실이 대단히 자랑스러웠습니다.

Even though we are very tired, we still thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity to help people know the church and Jesus Christ. In Korea there is a famous praise song called 'the Way of Bless', which says you are the way of bless and through you the world comes back to God and give services for the Lord. Though it is hard at times, we feel the meaning of the lyrics and are proud that we are being used for the glory of God.

앞으로 한국선교팀이 쾰른에서 선교활동을 할 수 있는 시간도 몇일이 남지 않았습니다.
하지만 그 짧은 시간을 통해서 우리가 주 안에서 귀하게 쓰임받게 되기를 바랍니다.

We have only a couple of days left here in Köln.
However, we truly hope that during this time we will be used righteously for his plans.

"We hope that the Lord's love spread beautifully and widely in the world,
just like the bubbles..."

God has allowed us to win in the first World Cup Game! - June 8th and 13th / 월드컵의 승리 역시 주님께서 이끄신다! 6월 8일 , 6월 13일

We planned to invite people outside to the church in order to watch the Germany and Korean soccer games with a large screen by using a projector. So the 7 teamates of the Korean Mission team went out to city center of Köln to encourage people to join us by handing out flyers.

쾰른 영문에서는 교회 밖의 사람들을 교회로 초청해서 한국 경기나 독일 경기때 프로젝터를 이용한 스크린으로 다같이 경기를 관람하는 것을 계획했습니다. 그래서 7명의 한국선교팀이 쾰른의 시내로 나가 많은 사람들을 초청하기 위해 전단지 등을 나눠줌으로서 교회를 알렸습니다.

On June 8th, many people including the members of Köln church came to Köln Corps to watch the German Team's match . The result was the great win for the German Team! It is very hard and meaningful that they won in the first game of the World Cup. It was a game where the German Team showed their brilliance on their home soil. Every time the goals went in, the people in the church shouted in joy. Moreover, June 14th, the Germany team won in the match against the Poland team and already obtained the way to the second match of the World Cup. We could feel the satisfaction because people enjoyed the prepared drinks and food.

6월 8일, 교회사람을 포함한 많은 사람들이 독일팀을 응원 했습니다. 그 결과는 독일의 압승! 경기의 첫 시합을 승리로 이끈다는 것은 매우 힘든 일이고 매우 의미 있는 일입니다. 주최국인 만큼 홈그라운드의 이점을 강하게 살린 한판이었습니다. 골 하나하나가 터져나갈때마다 사람들의 함성이 통쾌하게 울려 퍼졌습니다. 또한, 14일엔 독일 팀이 폴란드와의 경기에서 승리하여 16강으로 올라갈 수 있었던 승리 역시 얻어 낼 수 있었습니다. 준비된 음료수와 음식 역시 사람들이 즐겼기 때문에 준비했던 보람을 크게 느낄 수 있었습니다.

On June 13th, the first match for the Korean team took place against Togo! The Korean Mission team cheered enthusiastically for the Korean team to win, and as a result of it, they defeated Togo in the first match just as Germany had done. When the Korean team scored the second goal, we all shouted in happiness inside the chapel.

6월 13일, 한국과 토고의 첫 경기! 한국선교팀은 한국의 승리를 위해 열심히 응원했습니다. 그리고 그 결과로, 독일과 같이 첫 경기에서 승리하게 되었습니다. 역전골이 터져나갈때, 한국선교팀의 함성이 예배당 안에서 힘차게 울려퍼졌습니다.

Some players on the Korean team are faithful Christians. After the game they knelt on the field and prayed to God for the win. We believe that it was not only the players but God who guided the team to win. Every win that we earn in our lives is only possible because of God. Unless God leads us, we cannot do anything or go anywhere.

한국 국가대표팀중 몇몇 선수들은 신실한 기독교 신자들입니다. 그들은 승리 후 승리를 감사하는 기도를 주님께 드렸습니다. 우리는 승리를 이끈것은 축구 선수들이 아닌 하나님이었다고 믿습니다. 삶을 살아가며 우리가 겪는 승리는 하나님께서 모두 주관하시는 것이고, 하나님이 인도하시지 않는다면 아무런 승리를 얻어낼 수 없습니다.

Everyone intends to win in the game of the life but the only way to do that is to follow God and trust to put faith in him to set the right path for you.

여러분, 하나님과 함께하는 하나님의 팀에서, 월드컵보다 더 넓은 무대인 세상이라는 무대 위에서 승리하고싶은 생각 없으십니까?